Registration Opening March 1st
The Navy SEAL Foundation New York City SEAL Swim is a multi-sport open-water swimming event held in New York City, NY that brings together Former SEALs, Veterans, Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and First Responders from across the country.
The event starts at the Empty Sky Memorial in Liberty State Park in New Jersey and ends at the World Trade Center in Manhattan, NYC. Participants will enter the Hudson River at Liberty State Park, NJ, and swim to the Statue of Liberty, where they do 100 honor pushups and 22 pull-ups for our nation’s freedoms and civil liberties. Participants then swim from the Statue of Liberty to Ellis Island, where they do 100 honor pushups and 22 pull-ups for our nation’s diversity and all those who came to our nation seeking a better life. Participants then swim across the Hudson River to Battery Park, Manhattan, NYC, where they grab American Flags and run to the World Trade Center in Manhattan, NYC. At the World Trade Center, participants do 100 honor pushups and 22 pull-ups to honor all those who lost their lives on 9/11, Extortion 17, and all Americans who put it on the line for our nation.
Please consider joining us in sharing an epic adventure and sending a positive patriotic message of unity!