Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Navy SEAL Foundation support Gold Star family members?

The NSF proudly supports Gold Star and Surviving Family (GSSF) members through wellness programs and events. We dedicate 15% of our total Programs budget to ensure that fallen warriors and their families are never forgotten.

Who is eligible for Navy SEAL Foundation scholarships?

The NSF provides scholarships for higher education to active duty SEALs and SWCCs, their spouses and children, veterans, and retirees’ families. We also support dependent children in duty locations with limited quality education options and fund standardized college entrance exams for eligible transitioning NSW service members. Operating independently of Navy programs, the NSF offers additional financial resources to fill gaps in educational support.

Does the Navy SEAL Foundation support veterans?

The NSF is deeply committed to the health and welfare of SEAL and SWCC veterans. We provide assistance through our Veterans Crisis Assistance Fund, Death Support, Human Performance Support, and Frogman Reconnect events.

Why does the Navy SEAL Foundation need my support? Shouldn’t “Big Navy” or the VA cover these needs?

The NSF complements government support by addressing gaps outside the scope of the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Veterans Administration (VA). Programs are reviewed annually and adjusted to meet the evolving needs of the NSW community. While some support extends beyond overseas deployments, we remain dedicated to serving NSW forces wherever and whenever they are deployed.

Why does the Navy SEAL Foundation maintain significant reserve funds and an endowment?

The NSF’s reserve funds and endowment ensure long-term sustainability for our programs supporting NSW warriors, veterans, and families. Unique challenges, including unpredictable mortality rates, catastrophic events, political instability, and economic downturns, require higher reserves than typical non-profits. The NSF endowment provides a continuous stream of resources to fund large-scale projects and meet the community’s needs well into the future.

Why are the Navy SEAL Foundation staff paid while other non-profits rely on volunteers?

The NSF’s operations require a full-time staff of around twenty-five professionals, supplemented by volunteers, to manage our large-scale programs and mission. Staff salaries are evaluated annually by the Board of Directors (BOD) compensation committee to ensure alignment with market standards.

What is the makeup of the Navy SEAL Foundation’s Board of Directors, and are they paid?

The NSF BOD is entirely volunteer-based, with no members receiving compensation. The BOD includes at least 51% SEALs, comprising both former officers and enlisted personnel, along with NSW spouses and business professionals. As of July 2024, the BOD includes thirteen former SEALs and twelve civilians.

How does the Navy SEAL Foundation spend marketing dollars and ensure alignment with the SEAL Ethos?

The NSF shares only unclassified information about the NSW community and highlights the impact of donor-funded programs. Most advertising space is donated, and marketing is conducted with the highest standards to protect the safety of operators and their families. Corporate partnerships with like-minded organizations amplify the NSF’s mission and uphold the SEAL Ethos.

How does the Navy SEAL Foundation support its events with active duty personnel?

The NSF provides active duty NSW families and GSSF members the opportunity to attend annual signature fundraising events. Event attendees are selected randomly from registrations to ensure equal opportunities, and all active duty participants attend with prior JAG approval. The NSF also ensures equitable representation across ranks and commands.

Does the Navy SEAL Foundation offer preferential support based on location, rank, or marital status?

The NSF supports all NSW members and their families equally, regardless of geographic region, command, rank, or marital status.

How much assistance goes to support personnel?

The NSF legally supports all active duty NSW personnel, including support staff. However, veteran assistance is exclusively directed toward SEAL and SWCC veterans.

How does the Navy SEAL Foundation support brain and mental health programs, including experimental treatments?

The NSF partners with treatment providers and non-profits to offer tailored mental health and brain treatment programs. We also invest in emerging therapies, starting with foundational interventions like sleep, nutrition, and exercise. In 2020, the NSF supported clinical trials, including a $50,000 investment in MDMA-assisted therapy research by MAPS. We closely evaluate all treatments for safety and effectiveness, with guidance from a Scientific Advisory Board and psychologists.

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